Last two week I did attend the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany.
While walking around in and observing both the halls, the lounge and the various meeting rooms, it becomes clear why there is not much progress.

Most people are continuously looking at screens (from pc’s, smartphones, tablets) and are not communicating with each other, with other human beings who are sitting next to them. In this way you don’t build a relationship and you depend on the written language to bring your message across. In those international meetings many people have to use a language, which is not their mother tongue. This creates an extra complication.

Only when you have real face-to-face contact, you can also rely on the impressions from your senses. E.g. you can see whether someone understands you or you can hear his tone of voice.
This is especially important when you are innovating or creating a huge change. (as is both the case with respect to climate change) It is people who will make things happen and not screens. Of course screens are necessary, but you also have to make sure that there is plenty of time for a real personal interaction.


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