A Formula for Fabulousness



Health & Happiness                                       Illness & Sorrow


ñ                  ñ


Relax                                                                Stress


ñ                  ñ


Embrace the Real Me                             Disconnect from Real Me                                


ñ                  ñ


Love based                                                      Fear driven


ñ                  ñ


Flying Out/                                                      Fitting In








“Escape from Expectations,  …… and Fly!”







"Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are." – Chinese proverb


Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi says in his book "Creativity", "Its when we focus on running our own race and being our best, that we are at our most creative."


As Jobs said in his famous graduation address at Stanford University, "Our time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice."


Just as the bird has to find the courage to let go of the branch in order to fly, so we also must let go of our branches if we are to know the exhilaration of soaring to the highest potential of our life. The branches we hold to are our inner attachments - our beliefs, ideas and memories. And then there are the outer attachments - people, possessions, positions and privileges are a few. But as long as we hold on to them we will live in fear (of letting go and loss) and we will never be free. And just watch those birds, by letting go of one branch they are able to spend the rest of their life alighting on a million other branches, and they enjoy the view from each. Are you flying and soaring in your life, or are you stuck on one branch, cursing others as they fly past? Go on, try it ...let go! ~ Mike George


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