Break your Brain Fog

I am hearing from many young people that they are experiencing brain fog.

What are some of the symptoms?

A general feeling of disorientation or apathy towards life in addition to the following brain fog symptoms: 

  • Lack of energy or fatigue
  • Inability to focus or concentrate
  • Trouble remembering information 
  • Mild depression, low motivation, feeling hopeless
  • Trouble sleeping or insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Confusion of feeling disoriented
  • Diminished vision or inability to find words


There are quite few causes being discussed like lack of sleep, inadequate nutrition and stress. I would say that they are the usual suspects, but not the main one. Otherwise brain fog would have been a condition that existed for decades, but that is not the case. Brain fog is exploding in the last few years.


I would say that the addiction to social media on smartphones is the main culprit. Many people are addicted to their devices and therefor have no time to recover, to rest, to relax.

Their mind is constant in a state of hyper vigilance. They are afraid that they miss something (FOMO) or they are using social media as way to distract themselves from inconvenient or difficult situations.


However, your brain needs time to process, time to recover, time to recharge itself. When you don’t give yourself time-off from your phone, you will become more and more tired and develop a very superficial point of view.


Creativity is considered to be one of the top skills needed in this new world of work. But creativity cannot emerge when you are constantly scanning news on your screen. Where do you get your best ideas? Certainly not behind a screen! Most people would mention the shower or while running, or cooking.


You need to give yourself a daily digital detox of at least one hour. Preferably before you go to sleep.

It is a requirement for both your health and performance.

Do you allow yourself to recover and recharge?

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