Real change requires a brain upgrade

It was Einstein who said “we cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them. That view is even more true today. 

The current level of thinking is based on the mechanistic, linear view of the Industrial age where people and planet are seen as replaceable resources. 

Now, both people and planet are exhausted. 

Due to Corona, many people want us to go back to ‘normal’. But even if you wanted that, that is impossible. The degradation is continuing at full force. 


Just as that you can’t expect video integration from a very old version of your computer operating system, like MS-DOS, you can’t expect to change the world with operating systems that are based on the Industrial Age.

This is both the case personally as well as societally.


1.         Real personal change can and will only happen if we upgrade our brains. 

2.         Real economic, societal, and environmental change requires changing the operating systems that dominate the world. 

3.         1. is a prerequisite for 2.


The dominant operating system in our brain is ‘Fitting In’. That brain operating system is no longer working for many of us. We need to upgrade to ‘Flying Out’.


Fitting In

Flying out

Focus on weaknesses

Focus on strengths

Be compliant

Be unique





Fear driven

Love based



You can upgrade your brain, like you upgrade the strength of your body by regular training to reach a higher level. 

Yes, a new Brain Operating System (BOS) requires time and effort, but the results are worth it. 


Use it or lose is true for both your body and your brain. Therefore it is essential to train your brain – regularly.

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