Are you staying relevant?


Many of us were not very motivated at school and in higher Ed. Often you didn’t know what to do, so you chose a direction based upon ‘suggestions’ from your parents or you just followed some friends. 

When you finished school, because learning was not particularly inspiring, you focused on your job and didn’t pay much attention to lifelong learning. Rather the opposite, you were happy that you could stop with all the studying and exams.


That approach worked for many decades because there wasn’t much change. You could just grow in your job without studying much. 


That situation has changed dramatically. There is now an avalanche of change: technical, economic, social, and/or environmental.

Still, because we haven’t developed an appetite for learning we largely ignore this trend or are even not aware of it, because we have adopted the attitude of an ostrich. When we put our heads in the sand there isn’t much change and we can stay in our comfort zone.


That strategy is failing. If you don’t put in the effort to stay relevant, you will quickly lose your job, your work. Work will either be taken over by technology (A.I., robots) or by workers who are really committed to lifelong learning.


It is time to wake up and daily spend some time to keep yourself updated on what is happening in the context of your work.




Use it or lose is true for both your body and your brain. Therefore it is essential to train your brain – regularly.

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