Upgrade Yourself

1.         Real personal change can and will only happen if we upgrade our brains. 

2.         Real economic, societal, and environmental change requires changing the operating systems that dominate the world. 

3.         1. is a prerequisite for 2.

We are used to upgrading apps and the operating systems of our computers. That happens very frequently and we think that is normal. We don't expect videos to run on MS-DOS.

However, that is exactly what we are doing with our brains. Most people have not upgraded their brain since they left school, university or other education. Learning is limited to the use of new apps, tools or programs. People prefer to stay in their comfort zone. 

That means that we are trying to do things with our brains for which they are not prepared. For example, we have been programmed to have a silo-ed perspective on problems. We think that experts are there to solve them. We are supposed to function in one particular expert box only. This silo perspective leads at best to sub-optimization.

The result is that all the major global interconnected problems have not been solved. As a matter of fact they are getting worse, just look at climate change, racism and inequality.

In order to solve these problems we have to upgrade our brain from ‘Fitting In’ to ‘Flying Out’ or ‘Extraordinarian’.

Are you ready to upgrade your BOS (Brain Operating System)?

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